Not convinced
I'm still not completely convinced about this site (like everyone else) but I figured nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. So... I'm here trying to find someone cool to hang out with.
By cool I mean, someone who is smart, funny, even sarcastic, settled in a career that they like or is doing something to make that happen. He is laid back and is genuinely willing to put in the effort required in getting the best from this experience. Not an impossible list of requirements in my opinion.
I'm independent, smart and confident but not so much so that I'm unwilling to learn or try new things, like my sister bragged about herfirstdp, I wouldn't mind trying the same. I am funny, or at least I think so, albeit a tad sarcastic. I'm into movies, new restaurants, friends, family, exploring, travelling (just got back from Ireland, very cool). I love to shop but... no worries, I have a great job and my own money to take care of myself and this habit.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, send a smile or a message. Please have a picture or a backstage because honestly, I won't respond otherwise. Good luck!